

弊社代表 仲田利津子は、去る9月1日午前5時 かねてから自宅にて療養しておりましたが急変し、77歳の生涯を閉じました。
本来ならいち早くお知らせすべきところでございましたが ご通知が遅れましたことを深くお詫び申しあげます。

なお、誠に勝手ながらご弔問および御香典や御供花等は ご辞退申しあげますので、何卒よろしくお願い申しあげます。

It is with great sadness that we must inform you that Ritsuko Nakata, President of IIEEC, has passed away on September 1st at the age of 77.

She had been undergoing medical treatment at home, but her condition took a sudden and unfortunate turn. Considering the current circumstances with COVID-19, we held a small closed family funeral on September 3rd.

Please accept our sincere apology for not announcing immediately.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your kindness during her lifetime.

Also, because of the current conditions, we are declining any visits, ko-den, or flowers. We would appreciate it if you could remember her in your hearts instead. We are quite sure she would appreciate it.

IIEEC Teacher Training Center 代表
Masayo Kuroda 黒田昌代